P.A.L. guarantees all luminaire material and workmanship (except as limited below) for a period of five (5) years from the date of shipment. Should defects occur after installation, and within the warranty period, they should be reported to your distributor. Any merchandise found to be defective prior to installation (other than freight damages) will be repaired or replaced at the option of P.A.L. Compensation will be established only after submittal to and approval by P.A.L. of a quotation for a repair. No labor costs will be accepted by P.A.L. without prior written authorization. Ballasts are subject to the warranty of the ballast manufacturer.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. All warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which exceed P.A.L.’s aforestated obligation are hereby disclaimed.
P.A.L. will not be held liable for any damage, loss, cost of repair, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, whether based on contract, warranty or negligence in connection with the use or repair of any P.A.L. product. P.A.L.’s maximum liability shall not in any case exceed the contract price for the product claimed to be defective or unsuitable.
P.A.L. products are designed and engineered in accordance with requirements of Underwriters Laboratories and the National Electrical Code. Some items may not conform to local codes. P.A.L. will not accept any responsibility for claims, exchanges or other liabilities from the purchase
and/or installation of fixtures that may not meet local codes. All electrical fixtures must be installed by a qualified electrical contractor in accordance with code requirements.
To download the PAL warranty details pdf, click on the link below: